ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 3.2. Lexical environments: ECMAScript implementation.

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In this chapter we continue our consideration of lexical environments. In the previous sub chapter 3.1 we clarified the general theory related with the topic. In particular we have learned that the concept of environments is closely related with concepts of static scope and closures. Continue reading

ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 3.1. Lexical environments: Common Theory.


In this chapter we’ll talk in detail about lexical environments — a mechanism used in some languages to manage the static scoping. In order to understand this concept completely, we’ll also discuss briefly the alternative — dynamic scoping (which though isn’t used directly in ECMAScript). We’ll see how environments help to manage lexically nested structures of a code and to provide complete support of closures. Continue reading

ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 2. Strict Mode.


In this chapter we will concentrate on another feature of the ECMA-262-5. The topic of the discussion is a strict variant (or strict mode) of an ECMAScript program. We’ll discuss the reasons for providing this feature, how it affects on some already existing semantic aspects and what can it restrict. Continue reading

ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 1. Properties and Property Descriptors.

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This chapter is devoted generally to one of new concepts of the ECMA-262-5 specification — to property attributes and mechanism of their handling — property descriptors.

Usually saying that “an object has some property” we mean an association between a property name and its value. But as we know from the ES3 analysis, a property structure is more complex than just a string name. It also has set of attributes — those which we already discussed in ES3, e.g. {ReadOnly}, {DontEnum} and other. So from this viewpoint a property is as an object itself. Continue reading

Тонкости ECMA-262-5. Часть 1. Свойства и дескрипторы свойств

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Эта глава посвященна одной из новых концепций в спецификации ECMA-262-5 — атрибутам свойств и механизму работы с ними, дескрипторам свойств.

Обычно, говоря, что объект имеет какие-то свойства, мы имеем ввиду связь между именем свойства и его значением. Но, как мы знаем из анализа ES3, структура свойства несколько сложнее, чем просто строковое имя. Оно также имеет набор атрибутов — те, которые мы уже обсудили в статьях об ES3, например {ReadOnly}, {DontEnum} и другие. С этой точки зрения свойство само по себе является объектом. Continue reading

ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 0. Introduction.

We have finished analysis of the most important parts and theoretical aspects concerning 3rd edition of the ECMA-262 specification, i.e. standard devoted ECMAScript programming language. We have done and achieved a lot. Originally written in Russian, this series after more than half an year has been translated to several languages, what allowed this information to be shared with JavaScript developers and with everyone who interested in deep ECMAScript allover the world. Continue reading