in ECMAScript

ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 3.2. Lexical environments: ECMAScript implementation.

Read this article in Chinese.


In this chapter we continue our consideration of lexical environments. In the previous sub chapter 3.1 we clarified the general theory related with the topic. In particular we have learned that the concept of environments is closely related with concepts of static scope and closures.

We have also said that ECMAScript uses the model of chained environment frames. And in this part we’ll tackle with lexical environments implementation in exactly ECMAScript. In particular we’ll discuss structures and terminology used in ES to reflect this common theory.

We start from definitions. Though we already gave the definition of a lexical environment in the common theory, here we give it already relatively to the ECMA-262-5 standard.


As we said in the general theory, environments are used to manage data (variables, functions, etc.) of logically nested blocks of a code. In the same way they are used in ECMAScript.

A lexical environment defines the association of identifiers to the values of variables and functions based upon the lexical nesting structures of ECMAScript code.

And as also we have mentioned this association of the name with the value is called a binding.

A lexical environment in ES consists of two components: it’s an environment record and a reference to the outer environment. I.e. the definition of an environment corresponds to a single frame from the model we’ve discussed. Thus,

An environment record records the identifier bindings that are created within the scope of this lexical environment.

That is, an environment record is the storage of variables appeared in the context.

Let’s consider the following example:

var x = 10;

function foo() {
  var y = 20;

Then we have two abstract environments corresponding to the global context and the context of the foo function:

// environment of the global context

globalEnvironment = {

  environmentRecord: {

    // built-ins:
    Object: function,
    Array: function,
    // etc ...

    // our bindings:
    x: 10


  outer: null // no parent environment


// environment of the "foo" function

fooEnvironment = {
  environmentRecord: {
    y: 20
  outer: globalEnvironment

The outer reference as we can see is used to chain the current environment with the parent one. The parent environment of course may have its own outer link. And the outer link of the global environment is set to null.

The global environment is the final link of this chain of scopes. This reminds how the prototypal inheritance works in ES: if a property isn’t found in the object itself, it’s searched in its prototype, then in the prototype of the prototype and so on, until it’s found, either the final link of the prototype chain is considered. The same with environments: the variables (or identifiers) appear in the context stand for the properties, and the outer link stands for the reference to the prototype.

A lexical environment as we mentioned may surrounds multiple inner lexical environments. E.g., if a function contains two nested functions then the lexical environments of each of the nested functions will have as their outer environment the environment of the surrounding function.

function foo() {

  var x = 10;

  function bar() {
    var y = 20;
    console.log(x + y); // 30

  function baz() {
    var z = 30;
    console.log(x + y); // 40


// ----- Environments -----

// "foo" environmnet

fooEnvironment = {
  environmentRecord: {x: 10},
  outer: globalEnvironment

// both "bar" and "baz" have the same outer
// environment -- the environment of "foo"

barEnvironment = {
  environmentRecord: {y: 20},
  outer: fooEnvironment

bazEnvironment = {
  environmentRecord: {z: 30},
  outer: fooEnvironment

ECMAScript defines two types of environment records. They are mostly for implementation purposes, but we consider them in some details to have complete understanding.

Environment record types

There are two kinds of environment records in ES5 specification: declarative environment records and object environment records.

Declarative environment record

Declarative environment records are used to handle variables, functions, formal parameters, etc. appeared in function scopes (in this case this is very activation object which we know from ES3 series) and catch clauses.

For example:

// all: "a", "b" and "c"
// bindings are bindings of
// a declarative record

function foo(a) {
  var b = 10;
  function c() {}

In case of the catch clause the binding is the exception argument:

try {
} catch (e) { // "e" is a binding of a declarative record

In general case the bindings of declarative records are assumed to be stored directly at low level of the implementation (for example, in registers of a virtual machine, thus providing fast access). This is the main difference from the old activation object concept used in ES3.

That is, the specification doesn’t require (and even indirectly doesn’t recommend) to implement declarative records as simple objects which are inefficient in this case. The consequence from this fact is that declarative environment records are not assumed to be exposed directly to the user-level, which means we cannot access these bindings as e.g. properties of the record. Actually, we couldn’t also before, even in ES3 — there activation object also was inaccessible directly to a user (except though Rhino implementation which nevertheless exposed it via __parent__ property).

Potentially, declarative records allow to use complete lexical addressing technique, that is to get the direct access to needed variables without any scope chain lookup — regardless the depth of the nested scope (if the storage is fixed and unchangeable, all variable addresses can be known even at compile time). However, ES5 spec doesn’t mention this fact directly.

So once again, the main thing which we should understand why it was needed to replace old activation object concept with the declarative environment record is first of all the efficiency of the implementation.

Thus, as Brendan Eich also mentioned (the last paragraph) — the activation object implementation in ES3 was just “a bug”: “I will note that there are some real improvements in ES5, in particular to Chapter 10 which now uses declarative binding environments. ES1-3’s abuse of objects for scopes (again I’m to blame for doing so in JS in 1995, economizing on objects needed to implement the language in a big hurry) was a bug, not a feature”.

Abstractly, an environment with the declarative record, can be presented in this way (thus, property type is not from the spec, but my explanatory convention):

environment = {
  // storage
  environmentRecord: {
    type: "declarative",
    // storage
  // reference to the parent environment
  outer: <...>

Eval and inner functions may break optimizations

Notice though, that eval function can break this efficient concept and fall back us to inefficient handling, since in this case it’s hard to determine which bindings will be required by eval.

For example, V8 implementation (as well as others I guess) optimizes functions not creating neither arguments object (if it’s not in the function’s body), nor capturing non-used parent variables. That is, such functions are lightweight, and captures only used lexical variables. I.e. if none of parent variables is used — such functions are even not closures.

Take a look on the Scope Variables section of a function which doesn’t use eval (screen is from Chrome’s dev-tools):

Optimized function without eval

And then the same function, but with “empty” eval call inside:

Non-optimized function with eval

Since it’s not known in advance which data will be used inside the eval, we should create all “heavyweight stuff” — you see both, arguments object and the Closure property, i.e. the parent environment.

Moreover, take a look on the outerFn in the later case. It also creates arguments object since has inner function inside and therefore it’s hard to analyze will the inner function refer arguments or not.

However, this is just one of the implementations, though it allows us to see which optimizations can be provided and how these optimizations can be canceled.

Let’s consider the second environment record type — object environment record.

Object environment record

In contrast, an object environment record is used to define association of variables and functions appeared in the global context and inside the with-statements. These are exactly those inefficient variable storage implemented as simple objects which we’ve just mentioned above. In this case bindings are the properties of the objects.

The object which stores the bindings of such a context is called the binding object.

In case of the global context, the variables are associated with the global object itself. Exactly because of this we have the ability to refer them as properties of the global object:

var a = 10;
console.log(a); // 10

// "this" in the global context
// is the global object itself
console.log(this.a); // 10

// "window" is the reference to the
// global object in the browser environment
console.log(window.a); // 10

In case of the with statement, variables can be associated with the properties of the with-object:

with ({a: 10}) {
  console.log(a); // 10

Every time when with statement is executed a new lexical environment with object environment record is created. Thus, the environment of the running context is set as the outer environment. Then the environment of the running context is replaced with this newly created environment. After the with execution is completed the environment of the context is restored to the previous state:

var a = 10;
var b = 20;

with ({a: 30}) {
  console.log(a + b); // 50

console.log(a + b); // 30, restored

In pseudo-code:

// initial state
context.lexicalEnvironment = {
  environmentRecord: {a: 10, b: 20},
  outer: null

// "with" executed
previousEnvironment = context.lexicalEnvironment;

withEnvironment = {
  environmentRecord: {a: 30},
  outer: context.lexicalEnvironment

// replace current environment
context.lexicalEnvironment = withEnvironment;

// "with" completed, restore the environment back
context.lexicalEnvironment = previousEnvironment;

Absolutely the same effect has a catch clause — it also replaces the running context’s lexical environment with the newly created one, though in contrast with with statement, catch clause as we said uses declarative record but not the object:

var e = 10;

try {
  throw 20;
} catch (e) { // replace the environment
  console.log(e); // 20

// and now it's restored back
console.log(e); // 10

Below we will see that these temporary environments of with statements and catch clauses play role in using function expressions inside them.

Because of inefficiency of object environment records, with statement is already removed from the ES5-strict.

Moreover, with statements often may cause confusions (because of the effect of variables and function declarations hoisting) and some of them are really confusing cases. This is also the reason why the with statement was removed from ES5-strict.

Removing the global object from the bottom of the scope chain is also planned for the That is, the global environment record will be also declarative but not object. With the system of planned modules, global bindings such as parseInt, Math, etc. will just be imported to the global context, but technically we won’t be able to refer global variables as properties of the global object anymore, since there will be no any global object.

Abstractly, an environment with the object environment record, can be presented in this way:

environment = {
  // storage
  environmentRecord: {
    type: "object",
    bindingObject: {
      // storage
  // reference to the parent environment
  outer: <...>

The spec notices that the binding object is a kind of reflection of the real object (e.g. the global object), but not all properties of the original object are included as properties of the binding object. For example, property names which are not identifiers are not included in the binding object, which is quite logical since we cannot refer them as variables from the code:

// global properties
this['a'] = 10; // included in the binding object
this['hello world'] = 20; // isn't included

console.log(a); // 10, can refer
console.log(hello world); // cannot, syntax error

However, the exact implementation details of how the binding and original objects are synchronized are omitted in the spec.

Structure of execution context

Here we mention briefly the structure of the execution context in ES5. It’s a little bit different than in ES3 and has the following properties:

ExecutionContextES5 = {
  ThisBinding: <this value>,
  VariableEnvironment: { ... },
  LexicalEnvironment: { ... },

We see that a context has both Variable and Lexical environments which cause often the confusion of spec readers. We’ll clarify them shortly, but here just briefly notice that this is mainly to distinguish the value of the [[Scope]] property of function declarations (FD) and function expressions (FE).

So let’s consider the properties of the execution context.

This binding

This value is now called this binding (though, “this value” combination of words is still in ES5 spec). However, beside the terminology change, there are no big changes in semantics (except the strict mode, where this value can be undefined). In the global context, this binding is still the global object itself:

(function (global) {
  global.a = 10;

console.log(a); // 10

And inside a function context this value is still determined by the form of how the function is called. If it’s called with a reference, then the base value of the reference is used as this value, in all other cases — either global object or undefined in strict mode is used for this.

var foo = {
  bar: function () {

// --- Reference cases ---

// with a reference; // `this` is foo - the base

var bar =;

// with the reference
bar(); // `this` is the global or undefined, implicit base; // the same, explicit base, the global

// with also but another reference
bar.prototype.constructor(); // `this` is bar.prototype

// --- non-Reference cases ---

( =; // `this` is global or undefined
( ||; // `this` is global or undefined
(function () { console.log(this); })(); // `this` is global or undefined

Notice again, in strict mode, it’s not possible anymore to get the global object with such a trick:

(function () {
  "use strict";
  var global = (function () { return this; })();
  console.log(global); // undefined!

The techniques of how to handle this situation (including indirect calls to eval) are described in the strict mode chapter.

Let’s back to environments now and see what do Variable and Lexical environment components of the context mean in the spec. These two components that’s said cause often a confusion and unfortunately incorrectly described in some explanations.

Variable environment

Variable environment component is exactly the initial storage of variables and functions of the context. Exactly its environment record is used as the data storage and is filled on entering the context stage. This is very variable object from ES3.

When entering the context of a function, recall also that a special arguments object is created which stores the values of formal parameters. In the strict mode, the arguments object has undergone several changes among which are that the arguments does not share anymore values of its properties and real argument variables. Property callee (the reference to the function itself) was also deprecated in strict mode.

For the code:

function foo(a) {
  var b = 20;


abstractly we have the following VariableEnvironment component of the foo function context:

fooContext.VariableEnvironment = {
  environmentRecord: {
    arguments: {0: 10, length: 1, callee: foo},
    a: 10,
    b: 20
  outer: globalEnvironment

So what is LexicalEnvironment component then? The funny thing is that initially it’s just a copy of the VariableEnvironment.

Lexical environment

Both VariableEnvironment and LexicalEnvironment by their nature are lexical environments (regardless possible confusion in their naming), i.e. both statically (lexically) captures the outer bindings for inner functions created in the context.

As we’ve just mentioned, initially (when the context is activated) the LexicalEnvironment component is just the blue-print copy of the VariableEnvironment. Considering the example from above, we have:

fooContext.LexicalEnvironment = copy(fooContext.VariableEnvironment);

However what happens next, at code execution stage, is already related with the augmenting of the lexical environment by the with statements and catch clauses (though, as we said, in ES5 it’s already replacement of the context’s environment, but not augmentation as it was in ES3).

The with statement and catch clause as was shown above replace the context’s environment for the time of their execution. And this case is related with function expressions.

From discussed rules of function creation, we know that a closure saves the lexical environment of the context in which it is created.

If a function expression (FE) is created inside a with statement (or a catch clause), it should save exactly this current (replaced) lexical environment.

Had we replaced the VariableEnvironment itself (instead of copied LexicalEnvironment), then we should have been restore it back after the with is completed. However this would mean, that FE would not be able to refer bindings which were created during the with statement execution, but the FE is needed these with-bindings.

Moreover, we can’t replace VariableEnvironment itself, because a FD can be also called inside the with statement, but in contrast with FE, FD should continue use binding values from initial state, and not from the with-object (we’ll see it on example below).

This is why, closures formed as function declarations (FD) save the VariableEnvironment component as their [[Scope]] property, and function expressions (FE) save exactly LexicalEnvironment component in this case. This is the main (and actually the only) reason of separation of these two, at first glance the same, components.

This fact becomes even more funny if to take into account that with statement is going to disappear completely from ES (in as it did in ES5-strict. Once it’s happened, ES spec will be less confusing in this respect.

So let’s show again what we’ve just analyzed: FE saves LexicalEnvironment, since it’s needed the dynamic bindings created during the with execution, and FD saves VariableEnvironment since, by the spec cannot be created inside a block at all and is hoisted to the top.

var a = 10;

// FD
function foo() {

with ({a: 20}) {

  // FE
  var bar = function () {

  foo(); // 10!, from VariableEnvrionment
  bar(); // 20,  from LexicalEnvrionment


foo(); // 10
bar(); // still 20

Schematically it looks like:

// "foo" is created
foo.[[Scope]] = globalContext.[[VariableEnvironment]];

// "with" is executed
previousEnvironment = globalContext.[[LexicalEnvironment]];

globalContext.[[LexicalEnvironment]] = {
  environmentRecord: {a: 20},
  outer: previousEnvironment

// "bar" is created
bar.[[Scope]] = globalContext.[[LexicalEnvironment]];

// "with" is completed, restore the environment
globalContext.[[LexicalEnvironment]] = previousEnvironment;

To see this distinction even more in action, we can take non-standard handling of FD which are placed inside blocks. By the spec as we remember it should be a syntax error, but none of implementations throws it today, but handles this case in their own manner. Firefox had its own non-standard extension known as Function Statements (FS), for years, and in ES5 other implementations, e.g. Chrome’s V8, had the following behavior:

var a = 10;

with ({a: 20}) {

  // FD
  function foo() { // do not test in Firefox!

  // FE
  var bar = function () {

  foo(); // 10!, from VariableEnvrionment
  bar(); // 20,  from LexicalEnvrionment


foo(); // 10
bar(); // still 20

And this is again happened because FD (being hoisted to the top in this case) saves VariableEnvironment component as its [[Scope]], and the FE — the LexicalEnvironment which is replaced for the moment of with (or catch) work.

Note: since ES6 standardized block-level function declarations, and in the example above function foo also captures the lexical environment.

In abstract definitions and talks though, it’s possible not to make a strict distinction between these two components (for example when it’s not so essential environment of which exactly function type, declaration or expression is meant), therefore we may always say just lexical environment of a context.

However, exactly LexicalEnvironment component participates in the process of identifier resolution.

Identifier resolution

Identifier resolution is the process of determining the binding of an identifier appeared in the context using the LexicalEnvironment component of the running execution context.

In other words, it’s the very scope chain lookup of variables. As we have said above, it’s similar to the prototype chain look up, just instead of prototype link, the outer link of an environment is considered.

Having the following example:

var a = 10;

(function foo() {

  var b = 20;

  (function bar() {

    var c = 30;
    console.log(a + b + c); // 60


the identifier resolution for e.g. a binding is recursively managed with the following algorithm:

function resolveIdentifier(lexicalEnvironment, identifier) {
  // if it's the final link, and we didn't find
  // anything, we have a case of a reference error
  if (lexicalEnvironment == null) {
    throw ReferenceError(identifier + " is not defined");
  // return the binding (reference) if it exists;
  // later we'll be able to get the value from the reference
  if (lexicalEnvironment.hasBinding(identifier)) {
    return new Reference(lexicalEnvironment, identifier);
  // else try to find in the parent scope,
  // recursively analyzing the outer environment
  return resolveIdentifier(lexicalEnvironment.outer, identifier);


resolveIdentifier(bar.[[LexicalEnvironment]], "a") ->

-- bar.[[LexicalEnvironment]] - not found,
-- bar.[[LexicalEnvironment]].outer (i.e. foo.[[LexicalEnvironment]]) -> not found
-- bar.[[LexicalEnvironment]].outer.outer -> found reference, value 10


In this chapter we clarified the concept of lexical environments in ECMAScript. We also have talked about the reasons of why it was needed to change old concepts of variable/activation objects and scope chains with chained lexical environments — most of these changes are related with efficiency of implementations.

We also have seen that the concept of lexical environments is closely related with the concept of closures (and noted again, that both, FD and FE in ECMScript are closures). We restored the concept of this binding and recall how it’s determined in different execution contexts.

Besides, we also have mentioned some plans related with environments for future version of ES, such as e.g. removing the global object. Hope this and the previous chapter 3.1 helped to see and understand the concept of lexical environments in detail. If you have questions, as always I’ll be glad to answer them in comments.

Additional literature

ECMA-262-5 in detail:

ECMA-262-5 specification:

Written by: Dmitry A. Soshnikov.
Published on: 2011-07-26.

Write a Comment



  1. Great writeup Dmitry. One nit from the last example:

    console.log(a + b + c); // 60

    You really meant 50, right?

  2. Nice work Dmitry.

    I valued the documentation of the definition difference between Variable Environments in ES3 vs ES5, plus the probing into suboptimal inclusion of all closure objects with eval

  3. Very interesting; thank you for sharing!

  4. Priceless, invaluable!

    Kudos, Dmitry!

  5. Dmitry,

    You might want to mention in the discussion of the difference between VariableEnviornment and LexicalEnvironment that they also differ within catch clauses as well as with statements. This allows FE’s within the catch clause to capture the exception parameter in its scope chain.

    Much of the environment record mechanism was incorporated into the ES5 spec. at a time when we still thought that block scoped const and let declarations might be included in ES5. Also, we were considering some possible scoping mechanism “corrections” to the ES3 semantics.

    For example, we considered a change such that:

    var v='outer';
    function () {
       var obj={v: 'obj lit'};
       with (obj) {var v='var init'};
       alert(obj.v);  //'var init' in ES3&5
       alert (v);    //'undefined' in ES3&5

    would have alerted ‘obj lit’ and ‘var init’ for ES5. We eventually decided that this was too much of a breaking change.

    All of this mechanism will be much more heavily used in the specification.


  6. @網站設計, @John Merge, thank you, guys.

    @Allen Wirfs-Brock,

    Yeah, true, thanks Allen (completely forgot about catch in this case, though, of course described it before in ES3 scope chain article). Added; as well as the link to your comment with confusing with statement example.

  7. Great website!

    It helped me a lot

    Thank you Dmitry!

    Look forward to next articles

  8. Are phases of processing the context code the same in ES3 and ES5? Are in both cases filling with variables or function declaration variable object and enviroment record are the same?

  9. @Osceola, glad it’s useful, thanks.

    @Michael, yes, the “entering the context” and “code execution” stages are the same as in ES3. Only the terminology is changed and internal implementation of the variable/lexical environments.

  10. Dmitry, the following paragraph doesn’t make sense to me:

    Had we replaced the VariableEnvironment itself (instead of copied LexicalEnvironment), then we should have been restore it back after the with is completed. However this would mean, that FE would not be able to refer bindings which were created during the with statement execution, but the FE is needed these with-bindings.

    Doesn’t the FE store a copy of the Environment and when it is called use that copy? So restoring the Environment after leaving the with statement shouldn’t matter.

  11. Moreover, we can’t replace VariableEnvironment itself, because a FD can be also called inside the with statement, but in contrast with FE, FD should continue use binding values from initial state, and not from the with-object (we’ll see it on example below).

    Again, this shouldn’t matter for the same reason, the function will have a copy of the environment that was valid during its definition, so any changes to the VariableEnvironment after that are totally irrelevant.

  12. FD saves VariableEnvironment since, by the spec cannot be created inside a block at all

    This is not totally correct. You can have function expressions inside a block and inside a function expression you can have function definitions.

  13. Эхх, на русском бы ещё… От этих многословных терминов голова кругом 🙂

  14. I’m reading this section too, very helpful documentation.
    Probably there is a typo error in second example about Definitions …

  15.     function foo(){
            var x = 10;
            function bar(){
                var y = 20;
                console.log(x + y);
            function baz(){
                var y = 30;
                // probably the var name is "y" and not "z" ...
                // ... typo error ?
                console.log(x + y);
            bar();// 30
            baz();// 40
        // environment of the global contex
        globalEnvironment = {
            environmentRecord: {
            outer: null
        // environment of the "foo" function
        fooEnvironment = {
            environmentRecord: {
                x: 10
            outer: globalEnvironment
         // environment of the "bar" function
             barEnvironment = {
             environmentRecord: {
                y: 20
             outer: fooEnvironment
         // environment of the "baz" function
         bazEnvironment = {
             environmentRecord: {
                y: 30
                // the same on environment record
             outer: fooEnvironment
  16. The scope chain is changed.

    var a = 10;
    with ({a: 20}) {
    // FD
    function foo() {
    // FE
    var bar = function () {
    foo(); // 20
    bar(); // 20
    foo(); // 20
    bar(); // 20
  17. @LEE MIN KYU, since ES6 block-level functions declarations are standardized, and modern browsers implement this semantics. I’ll update the article mentioning that it was changed in ES6.

  18. hi,dmitry.
    Why bar can be invoked outside the `with` block? Could you explain for me a little?
    Thanks in advance. 🙂

    var a = 10;
    // FD
    function foo() {
    with ({a: 20}) {
      // FE
      var bar = function () {
      foo(); // 10!, from VariableEnvrionment
      bar(); // 20,  from LexicalEnvrionment
    foo(); // 10
    bar(); // still 20  --- why bar can be invoked outside?
  19. @bird, because vars in JS are hoisted, so bar is actually function-scoped, not block-scoped. The let, and const introduced in ES6 are block-scoped (change it to let, and it won’t be available after with).

  20. Hi Dmitry, I have read the ES6 spec, it said: “VariableEnvironment: Identifies the Lexical Environment whose EnvironmentRecord holds bindings created by VariableStatements within this execution context.” but in ES5 spec “VariableEnvironment: Identifies the Lexical Environment whose environment record holds bindings created by VariableStatements and FunctionDeclarations within this execution context.”. The “FunctionDeclarations” is disappear, cause ES6 block-level functions declarations are standardized, behavior of FunctionDeclarations is similar to ‘let’ variable, but browser can has itself way: like var variable, so in browser FunctionDeclarations still hold by VariableEnvironment, but in other environment like node.js will hold by LexicalEnvironment. Is it right?

  21. @Joiner, correct, in the following code the foo function captures x, but not y and bar, which aren’t in the VariableEnvironment.

      // Captured by `foo`.
      var x = 10;
      // Aren't captured.
      let y = 20;
      function bar() {}
    function foo() {
      console.log(x); // 10
      // can't access `y`, and `foo`

    Notice, that it is per recent spec. In older implementations `bar` would be added there.

  22. thanks Dmitry, After thinking for a few days, I think LexicalEnvironment and VariableEnvironment were two reference variables initially, and they referenced the same Environment Object. When a new environment was created (such as a with statement or block-scope), LexicalEnvironment pointed to that The new environment, the new environment’outer is the last LexicalEnvironment and the VariableEnvironment points to the original environment object, so I think even in the old spec, the FD and FE all save LexicalEnvironment components as their [[Scope]]:

    var a = 10;
    with ({a: 20}) {
      // FD
      function foo () {
        console.log (a);
      // FE
      var bar = function () {
        console.log (a);
      foo ();
      bar ();
    foo ();
    bar ();

    In the old spec: on entering the execution context stage, the bar (FD) is hoisted to top, which is stored in VariableEnvironment, at which point the LexicalEnvironment of the execution context is equal to VariableEnvironmen,So the [[scope]] property of the foo function is set to VariableEnvironment or the same as the LexicalEnvironment. The with statement creates a new environment during the execution phase, at which time LexicalEnvironment points to the new environment, bar (FE) [scope]] property is set to the new environment, the new environment’s outer property is VariableEnvironment.
    In the new spec because of block-scope reasons, foo (FD) is actually created in the execution phase, so at this time Its [[scope]] property is also set to LexicalEnvironment (which points to the newly created environment) as well as bar (FE).
    So I think FD and FE all save LexicalEnvironment components as their [[scope]],So what is the reason LexicalEnvironment and VariableEnvironment exist together, obviously one of them is enough?

  23. @Joiner, right, though the VariableEnvironment seems is still used in the spec in other places, e.g. with eval.

    (function() {
      var x = 10;
      let y = 20;
      eval('var z = x + y; let m = 100;');
      console.log(z); // 30
      console.log(m); // ReferenceError
  24. Thank you for your patient guidance, Dmitry

  25. hi, Dmitry, this is the Chinese translated version of this article.

    Hope more people reading this fantastic article.

    Thank you for your great work, your article really help me a lot understand ECMAScript details. Looking forward to your more articles!

  26. @szengtal, awesome, I can add the link to the translation here. Please add the link to the original article from your translation.

  27. @Dmitry Soshnikov sure,thank you! I have already added the link to the orginal article in my translation.

  28. Hi,Dmitry,I found this in ES6 is diffent from ES5,ES5’execution Context include thisBinding,but ES6 did not do,I found thisValue in enviorment Record,I don’t know Why? at the same time,I have another question,I want to know why there is a realm,what’s the realm’s meaning?

  29. @zshawk1982, the this value is in the environment record since ES6 to support arrow functions, which this is lexical (i.e. inherited from the context they are created).

    The realm is needed to reflect the behavior of the several global objects (e.g. several iframes). A realm is basically a container of a global object.

  30. Really thanks for the article.It helps me understand the difference between AO/VO and Lexical environment(I have searched for many articles but none of them mention the difference between this 2 concepts).But one thing I’m still doubt is this:
    This article also talks about Execution context but the author said the creation phase of Execution context includes:
    1.Lexical environment
    2.Variable environment
    What really strange is that it didnt include this binding.And he said that this binding actually happen during Lexical environment.

    Each Lexical Environment has three components:
    1.Environment Record
    2.Reference to the outer environment,
    3.This binding

    So when does this binding happen actually?Or this is just the difference between ES5 and ES6?Thanks for answering.

  31. @Chor, thanks for the feedback, glad it’s useful. As for ThisBinding, yes, since ES2015 it was moved to the Lexical Environment component, to support arrow functions, which inherit this lexically.

  32. Hello. Thanks for good great article!
    I have question about Objective Environment Record
    You show us example

    var a = 1;

    but why this is not happening in let and const

  33. @Murad Sofi, thanks for the feedback. Yes, per ES6+, let, const, and also class names are not added to the environment as properties of the global object. You can read more in this section.

  34. Hi Dmitry, I’m executed javascript code on Node.js(v12.13.0) like next:

      var x = 10;
      let y = 20;
      function bar() {}
    function foo() {
      console.log(x); // 10
      // can't access

    i’m expected to occur reference error but not occurred.
    why not occurred?

  35. @mouse, this is to support backwards compatibility for function declarations (when bar is hoisted outside of the block). If you put "use strict", the bar will be block-scoped in latest implementation for js modules.

  36. Hi Dmitry,

    Thank you for writing these articles. They are very helpful. There’s something that needs clarification:

    Upon entering a function, is the LexicalEnvironment a copy of the VariableEnvironment, or are they referring the same object? If it is a copy, how do modifications to bindings throughout execution of the function (simple variable assignments, for example) affect each, and how do these objects stay in sync?

    Thanks again!

  37. @Jason

    Thanks for the feedback, glad this work is useful.

    As to environments, initially they (Lexical and Variable environments) are set to the same component. See PrepareForOrdinaryCall:

     8. Let localEnv be NewFunctionEnvironment(F, newTarget).
     9. Set the LexicalEnvironment of calleeContext to localEnv.
    10. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to localEnv.

    But then these references of a context can change to different values. E.g. when a block is evaluated, see 13.2.13 Block Runtime Evaluation. The Lexical environment is changed, but Variable environment stays the same.

    Exactly this allows let variables do not escape out of a block, but var variables still influence the context:

      var x = 10;
      let y = 20;
    console.log(x); // 10
    console.log(y); // Reference Error
  38. In the pseudo-code of Object environment record that shows how outer environment is replaced.
    I want to ask the “outer” in withEnvironment store the context.lexicalEnvironment.

    But after entering with, context.lexicalEnvironment is replaced. The original environment is stored in previousEnvironment.
    Is that mean when inside the with, I can’t reach things in the original context.lexicalEnvironment.

    But I test in some javascript codes.
    The result is when it can’t find variable in withEnvironment, it still can find the variable in the original context.lexicalEnvironment.
    So maybe the “outer” field in withEnvironment is storing previousEnvironment instead of context.lexicalEnvironment?

  39. In the definition, you miss the function object(foo) in the environment record of the globalEnvironment and again bar and baz in the environment record of the fooEnvironment. That’s very important in a complex topic like this.

  40. Thank you very much for this article, Dmitry.

    I have a question regarding the section about `eval` breaking the storage optimizations in V8: Why does the `eval` call in inner function `withEval` require us to save the parent function’s `arguments` object in withEval’s `Closure` property?

    Example 1

    In the simplest example, the inner function makes no reference to the outer function’s variables or its `arguments` object:

    (function outerFn() {
      var a = 10;
      (function innerFn() {
        var b = 20;

    Here, the “Local” scope tab in the debugger looks something like this:

    // `innerFn`
    innerLocal = {
      b: 20,
      this: window
    // `outerFn`
    outerLocal = {
      a: 10,
      this: window

    Example 2

    In the next example, innerFn references outerFn’s variable `a` as well as its `arguments` object:

     (function outerFn() {
      var a = 10;
      (function innerFn() {
        var b = 20;

    Here, the ‘Local’ scope tab looks like this:

    // `innerFn`
    innerLocal = {
      b: 20,
      this: window
    // `outerFn`
    outerLocal = {
      a: 10,
      this: window

    I noticed here that `outerLocal` now includes a reference to `outerFn` itself via the `outerFn` function object. However, the Scope tab of `innerFn` is unchanged.

    Example 3

    In the next example, the inner function has an empty `eval` call as shown in the article:

    (function outerFn() {
      var a = 10;
      (function innerFn() {
        var b = 20;

    Now, the ‘Local’ scope tab looks like this:

    // `innerFn`
    innerLocal = {
      arguments: Arguments[0]
      b: 20,
      this: window
    innerClosure = {
      a: 10,
      arguments: Arguments[0]
    // `outerFn`
    outerLocal = {
      a: 10,
      arguments: Arguments[0]
      this: window

    I can understand why the `Closure` property was created for `innerFn` – since it is not known at the context creation phase if the `eval` code will reference variable `a` from the parent function `outerFn`, we must ‘closure’ over it. But why is outerFn’s `arguments` object also included? This didn’t happen in Example 2.

    Also, why is it that in Example 2, `outerFn` is saved to outerFn’s `Local` scope but not inside innerFn’s `Closure` property, even though `innerFn` is the one referring to it?

  41. @Monica:

    But why is outerFn’s `arguments` object also included? This didn’t happen in Example 2.

    Yeah, in your Example 2, the outerFn.arguments is statically inferred, and VM (as well as the Chrom’s debugger) may optimize this. In case of the eval, this cannot be predicted, so it has to capture everything, including the arguments.

    Also, why is it that in Example 2, `outerFn` is saved to outerFn’s `Local` scope but not inside innerFn’s `Closure` property, even though `innerFn` is the one referring to it?

    This relates to the specifics of the Chrome’s debugger. In fact, the outerFn name is saved not even in the locals of outerFn, but in the intermediate environment, created specifically to store the name of the function expression.

    When eval is used, all functions above in the chain should capture everything, even if they don’t use the names:

    (function one() {
      var a = 10;
      (function two() {
        var b = 10;
        (function three() {
          debugger; eval('');

    To thread all the names (a, b, etc) down to the function three, the functions one and two have to capture them as well, even though they don’t refer the names. And again, the Chrome’s debugger may display it differently.

  42. Thank you for following up so quickly Dmitry. I’m also confused about how the ES6^ spec handles block-level variable statements and function declarations and would be grateful if you could shed some light at your convenience.

    In practice, we see that that block-level variable statements and FDs get “hoisted” to the dominant (global or outer function) scope:

    function foo() {
      console.log(x); // undefined
      console.log(bar); // undefined
        var x = 10;
        function bar() { console.log('help me') };

    However, I can’t seem to reconcile this with the `GlobalDeclarationInstantiation` (GDI) and FunctionDeclarationInstantiation (FDI) algorithms. In both algorithms, only the `TopLevelVarScopedDeclarations` are initialised (see step 4 and 7 of GDI, step 9 and 10 of FDI and the SDT for FunctionStatementList).

    I’m not entirely sure what “top-level” means here – does it exclude code inside of blocks? If so, `bar` and `x` are not top-level, but we can still refer to them before they are declared in the code, which implies that they were “hoisted”, i.e. bindings for them were created when FDI was performed for the `foo` call. But where does this happen in the FDI if not at steps 9 and 10?

    If we assume “top-level” includes the stuff inside blocks, then it explains the hoisting of `bar` and `x`, but it also means that block-level FDs are hoisted regardless of strict-mode. This goes against step 29 of FDI – which implies that block-level FDs are scoped to the outer function only if that function is not in strict-mode, and block-scoped otherwise – which is what we see in practice:

    "use strict"
    function foo() {
      console.log(x); // undefined
      console.log(bar); // ReferenceError: bar is not defined
        var x = 10;
        function bar() { console.log("help me") }; // block-scoped in strict mode
  43. @Monica — the “top-level” means the code which is not inside other functions. This includes blocks as well. Per 14.1.19 the TopLevelVarDeclaredNames are those of its StatementList, which includes blocks. And then in 13.2.9 for blocks, the var declarations are appended to the final list of the top-level declarations. The strict mode, yes, may change semantics of it, and treat the function declarations as block-scoped now. Previously FDs inside blocks were forbidden by the spec at all, but most of the implementations just hoisted them to the top.

  44. Thank you @Dmitry, I understand now. I eventually switched to the ES2021 spec; all the non-terminals are linked up via anchor links in that version, which makes it so much easier to keep track of which production/SDO to use at each step.

  45. Hi,Dmitry.Thank you for your article, which was very helpful to me.
    But I still have a question. I know LE and VE were originally the same, but I read something in the ECMA262:

    1. “A var statement declares variables that are scoped to the running execution context’s VariableEnvironment.”
    2. “let and const declarations define variables that are scoped to the running execution context’s LexicalEnvironment.”

    if a function declaration contains var and let, will a new declaration be created to deal with let?

  46. Hi, Dmitry. This has been very helpful. I really appreciate it. A question tho, does the variableEnvironment have an objective or declarative ER? Or does it fully depend on what type of environment it is in? I’ve read in EMCA script 2020 that the function environment is supposed to have a declarative record. So how does ‘with’ work? Could you elaborate on this? Much appreciated.